When you have obtained all required permissions for your study, you are ready to submit a request to Statistics Denmark.
First, please request a project number from the CIRRAU data management team by providing the title of the project as well as the data controller (authorized institution). In CIRRAU the authorized institution can be:
- National Centre for Register based Research, AU - Aut. no 9.
- Department of Political Science, AU - Aut. no. 24
- Department of Economics and Business Economics, AU - Aut. no. 43
- Department of Public Health, AU - Aut. no. 50
- Department of Psychology, AU - Aut. no. 105
The Next step is to submit your request. The request needs to follow the latest format in the DDV (Danmarks Datavindue) system at Statistics Denmark. Please see guidelines and inspiration here:
'Link to DST guidelines on DDV'
'Skabelon til oprettelse af projektindstilling i DDV'
If you need the document in English please contact a CIRRAU Datamanager.
Among other things, you need to write up a project description (including the sections: project aim, project description, relevance to society) and a clear description of the study population. Please see the guidelines above, contact a CIRRAU datamanager if you have any questions.
If an already approved project needs to be updated, it requires a reproposal. This process depends on if the project proposal is approved before or after the implementation of DDV – for more information please see guidelines here:
'Link to DST guidelines on DDV'
Whether your project is new or a reproposal you need to enclose lists of all variables to be included in the project, stating the range of years for which you need each variable.
You may find documentation for all the data in the CIRRAU database under Data.
For Denmarks Statistics data. If you mark the variables (fx. with an "1") in the green "70xxxx" column of the DST documentation file under the sheet "All" and e-mail this to the CIRRAU Data management team, you will receive a variable-list in the correct format back by e-mail. Please do not make any changes to the document other than marking variables in the green select column.
For external data please include a description of these in a separate sheet in the variable-list named External data. For inspiration, please see the following example:
Please email copies of your permission(s) and the variable list to the CIRRAU data management team before submitting your DDV project request.
After review by a CIRRAU Datamanager, your project request will be forwarded to Statistics Denmark in the DDV system (this assures our contact person that this is a CIRRAU project) and copies of relevant documents are stored.
When the project has been approved at Statistics Denmark, data are extracted as soon as possible. Data are then made available to a local data manager at Statistics Denmark who places the data in your project folder.