Project set-up

When you have obtained (or at least started the process of obtaining) all required permits for your study, you are ready to submit a project proposal to Statistics Denmark via Denmark's Data Window (DDV). CIRRAU's data manager team can help you through the process.

To get started, please send an email to CIRRAU's data manager team (Anna: or Ane: with the following information:

1. The title of the project

2. The project's contact person and signatory (name and ident)

3. Project end date

4. Which institution is involved (select from the below)

  • National Centre for Register based Research, AU - authorization number 9
  • Department of Political Science, AU - authorization number 24
  • Department of Economics - ECON, AU - authorization number 43
  • Department of Public Health, AU - authorization number 50
  • Department of Psychology, AU - authorization number 105

5. The permissions that have been obtained for the project (e.g. registration of processing of personal data on the record). Permits that take longer to obtain can be sent later.

6. Explanatory text

  • Purpose: Describe the purpose of the project in layman's terms. What is the study about and what are the benefits? There must be no doubt about what is being investigated, and the purpose must be so precisely described that it is not possible to investigate 'anything'.
  • Description: Describe the project in layman's terms. What is the problem, what is uncovered and what is specifically investigated. Why is the ordered data relevant and necessary for the project? (subject level, not the individual registers and variables). Additionally, only explain details that are relevant to the project. Method descriptions must only be included if these are essential for the purpose of the project.
  • Societal relevance: Describe the societal significance of the project in layman's terms.
  • Population description: Describe the population(s) as precisely as possible, including which registers, years and variables it/they should be based on. Also write how the population makes sense in relation to the project's purpose.

7. Variable lists

  • Data from Statistics Denmark (DST) provided by CIRRAU: The DST data that CIRRAU can provide can be found here: CIRRAU_DSTprojectdb_varlist. The desired registers and variables should be marked with an "x" in the green column in the sheet “All”. For most registers you must select the whole register, for some you must select the individual variables. What applies can be seen from the variable list. 
  • Data from Statistics Denmark (DST) purchased additionally: DST data, which is not provided by CIRRAU, can be purchased directly from DST (see the complete list of registers here: Link to DST grunddatabank). If applicable make a separate variable list.
  • External data: External data must be also described in a separate file. Inspiration can be obtained from External_data_ekxample.

8. If necessary: Name and ident of persons other than the contact person/signatory who need access to the project proposal in the creation process (e.g. to review it before submission)

CIRRAU's data manager team uses the information to create and fill in a new project proposal. When the work is finished, you will be contacted to review it, and if you are satisfied, the project proposal will be sent in for assessment by Statistics Denmark. Once the project has been approved by Statistics Denmark, data will be extracted as soon as possible and placed in your project folder.

If an already approved project needs to be updated or adjusted, it requires a reproposal (genindstilling). The process depends on whether the project proposal was approved before or after the implementation of DDV – for more information see the guidelines here: 'Link to DST guidelines on DDV'.

If the above raises any questions, please contact Anna ( or Ane (