CIRRAU provides the necessary and fundamental data infrastructure to support and conduct a large variety of register-based research projects ranging from intervention studies of vulnerable children and adolescents, through population-based genetic studies of mental disorders to nationwide population-based studies of a large variety of exposures, outcomes and consequences of outcomes.
This project database is one of the world’s most comprehensive datasets in its combination of nationwide individual level information on health, firms and companies, family factors, social and contextual information, and it is further enriched with genetic information for 80,000 Danes.
CIRRAU provides a data solution that constitutes the foundation for register-based analyses carried out in scientific programs supported financially by the Lundbeck Foundation, TrygFonden, EU, The Stanley Medical Research Institute, The Simon Foundation and NordForsk.
So far, CIRRAU has provided fundamental data-infrastructure for research projects attracting well above DKK 300 million and supported research projects leading to more than 130 papers in scientific peer-reviewed journals. Many of these papers were published in some of the most high-ranking scientific journals. These include Science, Nature, The Lancet, Epidemiology, Biological Psychiatry, Human Reproduction, JAMA Psychiatry, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Journal of Health Economics, and Social Science and Medicine.
Records on the entire Danish population from cradle to grave have been collected for decades. Most information has been recorded solely for administrative purposes.
The types of information recorded includes:
Danish legislation allows Danish researchers to utilize these data to perform research of public relevance and importance. The research potential of these data is further enhanced by the possible linkage to collections of biological material.
Due to this goldmine of data, Denmark is one of the leading countries in the world regarding register-based research. For many years, Danish researchers have utilized these resources to perform high quality register-based research projects and have published in various high ranking scientific journals.